Making the World a Little Smaller

Longtime reader Misty writes:

You probably won’t find this as exciting as maybe you would have all those months ago when this was all new, but as an artist struggling here on the East Coast, I’d like to think you’re still riding that “oh my god! is this my life?!” despite the craziness and ongoing work and stress and occasional rejection — and I’m hoping this comes to you as a happy thought. And maybe on a day when it might seem far away, keep you writing for just a half hour more.

I’ve been reading your journal for what seems like ever, and read your book and love them both. A lot of it I’m sure has to do with the fact that so many times you seem to cut straight to the chase of how I’ve felt, and couldn’t find words for. Well, today I was walking to work, passing the bus stop on 34th and 3rd when a girl standing near the curb burst out laughing. So loud, in fact, that even in my NYC commuter haze I looked over to see the fuss.

And she was standing there, bundled up waiting for the bus wiping tears away and laughing out loud holding your book.

And it made me laugh too. I smiled at how cool that was all the way to work.

Thanks, Pamie!

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