Tag: Tired

  • Reasons You Would Have Found Me Crying Lately

    1. I’m watching the Beyonce documentary. 2. It’s 3:30 in the morning and I’m on my third shirt because I’ll never not be covered in someone else’s body fluids ever again. 3. Decaf is bullshit. 4. It’s pretty outside and I am inside. 5. There’s this documentary about happiness but at one point there’s a…

  • more excuses

    I’m glad Irwin’s giving some excuses as to why the very last thing I want to do right now is write a blog entry. It’s 12:30 in the morning and I’ve just finished writing something that’s due tomorrow. This is the first night in a week that I got home from work before midnight. I…

  • i’m awesome.

    Home alone on a Friday night. Two cats sleeping next to me. Gilmore Girls paused on TiVo. The episode aired January 10th. I’m a little behind in my television watching. I am smelly. I got home from work at 7:45 and proceeded to eat the biggest cheeseburger I’ve had since I left Texas.

  • Berkeley, Day One

    During take-off yesterday, VH-1 distracted me with Grease. Funny, since I’d ripped the theme song earlier that morning. I can only go so long without dancing and mouthing the words to the film, as it’s my favorite movie. I have tried to come up with something that sounds more like something you call your favorite movie, but…

  • babbling while the coffee’s brewing

    Oh, so tired. I’m writing an entry because my last one had such a dirty word in it, twice, and whenever that’s at the top of the page I know that’s the day Mom settles down to catch up on some pamie.com. I don’t want to hear her tsking from three time zones away. But…

  • Nap Time

    i’m no good Oh, I feel terrible today and it is completely my fault. Here’s the problem: I’m a horrible napper. Eric can take a fifteen minute nap and he’s like completely ready for another evening. He’s good to go. He’s chipper and smells good and everything. If I try and nap I fall instantly…

  • close your eyes

    i can’t believe people have to look at me Eric’s back is selling t-shirts. Oh, man. I’m tired. Tired and sleepy and looking at the end of what has been a crazy three months. Can you believe this is the end of it? Tomorrow night and all three shows have come to a close. I…