Tag: Pain

  • This is how I roll.

    This is how I roll.

    For almost four months now, I’ve been living a bit of a double life. It was a secret at first, mostly because I didn’t want to talk about it, I wanted to just do it. Plus, a lot of people weren’t going to understand. They were going to judge me. Not that I care about…

  • The Tenth Annual Valentine’s Day Poems

    The Tenth Annual Valentine’s Day Poems

    The Secret of Our Success 1. He never makes me see him pee. 2. I never let him see me do yoga in shorts. That’s it! [db] OCD VD Do you still love me? Do you still love me? Do you still love me? Do you still love me when I’m sitting on this couch…

  • Dear Dad,

    I can’t believe it’s been five years and three days since you died. Five years. So much has happened that you’ve missed, much of it things you told me you knew you were going to miss. You were like an oracle in that hospital bed, pointing at the television, telling me my name was going…

  • The Ninth Annual Valentine’s Day Poems

    You know what happens when you have to write something for the ninth time, which means it’s not quite the tenth, so it isn’t as exciting and spectacular, and it all kind of snuck up on you because you were taking some much-needed time away from the internet, because sometimes you’ve got a lot of…

  • see?


    It wasn’t a hallucination. It just feels like it was. Almost two weeks after the marathon, I’m now sort of completely healed. The nasty blister on my foot has been drained of blood, so it looks sad instead of angry. There’s still a bruise on one of my toenails, which I didn’t know about until…

  • The Marathon, Part Two (Miles 13-CrazyTown)

    The Marathon, Part Two (Miles 13-CrazyTown)

    [Previous entries: Pre-Marathon and Part One] Mile 13 As a reward, I put on my headphones. My marathon playlist keeps me moving. I see stee pass in his car down the highway. I’ll see him again in about an hour. I run the numbers. 15, 25, 27, 37, 39, 49, 51, 101. It’s all about…

  • Maybe I’m Crazy…

    “But why do you want to do this?” my mom asked in that tone, the worried whine of motherhood. “For a lot of reasons,” I answered. “Because I want to, and because I don’t think I can, and… well, probably because Dad and that race when I was in the third grade.” She sighed. She…

  • making friends

    I’m supposed to be writing something that’s due very soon, which means all I want to do is write the blog entry that’s been sitting in my head for a week. I’ll get this out, and then I can go over to Word and finish the outline for the new novel. I procrastinate work with…