Tag: Britney Spears

  • Going to Peru: There Will Be Pan Flutes

    Going to Peru: There Will Be Pan Flutes

    That’s the first thing you need to know. In Peru, you will hear pan flutes. In restaurants, on buses, on shuttles, on boats, on the street, welcoming you at the airport, behind you in the bathroom– there will be pan flutes. So many pan flutes. You will start to learn the songs. Every once in…

  • Digital Marathon Article: New York Times

    “You don’t notice the time going by,” said Pamela Ribon, who credits Britney Spears’s “Toxic” for her “fifth wind” during the 24th mile and sixth hour of the ultrahumid Maui marathon in September. — Running the Digital Marathon Did I really say I didn’t notice the time going by? That’s hilarious. This is how you…

  • The Marathon, Part Two (Miles 13-CrazyTown)

    The Marathon, Part Two (Miles 13-CrazyTown)

    [Previous entries: Pre-Marathon and Part One] Mile 13 As a reward, I put on my headphones. My marathon playlist keeps me moving. I see stee pass in his car down the highway. I’ll see him again in about an hour. I run the numbers. 15, 25, 27, 37, 39, 49, 51, 101. It’s all about…

  • inappropriate behavior

    On Sunday morning I got up very early to help Laura raise money for ovarian cancer. Afterwards we walked to my car in the parking garage, only to find someone had hit it, leaving a nasty scrape along the back bumper. “Oh, Pam. That’s…” “Someone hit my car.” “Looks like I’m buying breakfast. Hey, look!…

  • Can You Handle My Truth?

    Okay, seriously. I’m still feeling bad about the other week, when I had too much wine and ended up forcing friends of mine to watch old videos of me in high school because I couldn’t believe how funny it was that my voice used to be deeper, and my friends were so funny, and I…

  • Why I Should Turn My Computer Off at Night

    From: pamie <pamie@pamie.com> Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 01:37:27 -0700 Subject: breitney i am drunk and emailing, which is never good. i will now type without going back and editing, which i’ve been doing up until now, which is slowing me down, considerably. i watched crossroads tonight and drank a lot. i love that movie…

  • oh, baby baby

    oh, baby baby

    she’s just a baby Because it’s about time I talked about her. Because I’m tired of hearing about her. Because I can’t get her damn song out of my head. I shall share my pain with you.  This pain is known as Britney Spears.