Pictures of Cats and Sunsets
I’ve had a few deadlines in a row lately, which makes me neglect this space. I feel guilty about it, I promise you. I’ve had “Write up the Orient Express stories” on my to-do list since we got back… was that September? Anyway, I find that when I’m inspired to jot something quickly over here,…
books and cats (cliched journaling entry #325)
It’s been rather monotonous here. I’m writing, I’m reading, I’m working. Doesn’t make for much of a journal entry, but I don’t want you to think that I’ve forgotten you. So, I figured to appease you and to clear my conscience, I’ll just blah-blah on about how droll things are, and whenever you’re about to…
“I have sixty-two cats.”
if you ever hear me say that, please talk to me. I went home sick yesterday and promptly slept all afternoon. I guess that explains part of my crankiness. The down side? Not much happened yesterday. I was pretty much sleeping the whole time. Took Leaky Cat to the vet. They gave us pills and…
with two cats in the yard
I’m not a crazy cat lady. I’m not. Now that we’re past that, it’s time for me to tell you about my cats. I think it’s important to tell you about them so that you understand a little bit about my home life, and that when I say my house feels crowded sometimes, you know…
I write a lot. (Sometimes it gets weird.)
I have written a bunch of comics and novels, and on this site I used to write a lot about roller derby, cats, and the crazy-making world of working as a writer. That’s why you might know me as that lady who wrote about Barbie wanting to be a Computer Engineer. Or perhaps you know me…
The Hardest Goodbye
I’ve been putting off writing this because I wanted some time to privately grieve, but also I knew if I got even a single kind word or condolence from you, I wouldn’t be able to handle all that has been going on. But now it’s time to write this down, as so many of you…
Updates on Cal
Giving a little Cal update, as he’s sleeping beside me right now on the couch. After two inconclusive aspirations and a visit to the cardiologist, Cal is now on a tiny dose of daily beta-blockers because of a heart defect, and some occasional subcutaneous fluids to help with any dehydration due to his kidney issues.…
Our Friend Cal
Man, there are sentences you never imagine you’ll find yourself saying, and one of them is, “Yes, I need the number of the cardiologist you recommended for my cat?”
More words! Here are some anthologies where you can find me, as well as a list of the shows I’ve worked on and the scripts that sit around me in piles. Television 2011 WGA Writers Access Project Honoree — Romantically Challenged — Consultant Samantha Who? — Executive Story Editor. Produced episodes: “Help!” “The Dog”.…
Goodbye, sweet kitty.
From the best I can tell, the only reason a girl turns thirty-five is so the cat she’s had since college can pass away. It’s happened to too many friends of mine this year, and now I guess it’s my turn.