Tag: Theft

  • ack!

    In my defense, my lack of updates is not due to wanting to ignore you, but rather that life has made it difficult to update lately. Case in point: Moveable Type. Hates my work computer, for some reason. Hates the new Mac operating system, I think, because it doesn’t matter if it’s Firefox or Safari,…

  • Why I haven’t been updating my blog often enough: good excuses.

    There’s no order of importance here, but in the last week or so I’ve had a package lost at the post office, a letter returned because it didn’t reach the recipient in time, my computer stolen, and my tailbone broken. I’m not sad or pissed off, but I am getting impatient with living my days…

  • geez.

    Hey, thanks for nothing, Perez. It really would have been nice for you to post a few words about the Writers Strike or even a link to WGA.org while you were busy ganking material for your website. At least then I wouldn’t be so at a loss for words. I don’t get to work these…

  • late-night guests

    Well, someone had fun in Los Angeles. I told AB she was really getting to see what my life is like out here, from the boring parts — extremely long shuttle rides from the airport, sitting in coffee shops for long hours, getting phone call updates from me while I’m out at pitch meetings, driving…

  • really? really?

    I was all set to write the cute little entry called “cancelled/not cancelled,” which was about my pro and con lists for what might happen with the rest of my year and into April, based off of what ABC wants to do with Hot Properties. It involved visiting friends, reading books, getting an oil change,…