Tag: NYC

  • Where I had been and what I will have had happen.

    Let’s see. I went to Bellingham and that was fun. I got to meet superfan Teecer, who was extremely sweet and had all my books, and superhero Jen, who was awesome (Thanks for the review, Jen!). Lots of people came to the book signing, a homeless man won my box of Kleenex, and someone in…

  • So what had happened was–

    So what had happened was–

    It’s a couple days before Christmas, I’m at Grand Central Station, and there’s some time before the train to Connecticut. Not a lot of time, but some time. Enough to grab a drink. There’d been some drinking the night before, so I didn’t want another glass of wine. I just wanted something to sip while…

  • Keeping Up Tradition

    Keeping Up Tradition

    Same place, same day, new year, new terminal. Thankful for the things that stay the same, grateful for the things that are new. Hmm. I did have a picture taken from last year’s Jet Blue post-Xmas flight, but now I remember I never got to post it, as a woman sitting at the table next…