Tag: Job

  • Is It Friday Yet?

    I’ve started a new screenwriting job that has me working at an office. It’s been a long time since I’ve been a part of corporate culture. I worried it had been too long since I worked business hours with normal people, having co-workers who didn’t have tails or wear diapers. I worried not for me,…

  • Apoplex, Please!

    Hey, here’s a bad idea: watching this week’s episode of Six Feet Underif you’ve ever had anyone in your life die. Jesus Christ, that was painful. Work went late tonight. Had to cancel dinner plans. We’re officially in production now. One of the things I do miss about my pre-television life is my lunch schedule. Every…

  • plays well with others.

    Whenever I had to change schools as a kid, I’d always get really sick on the first day of school. It was always stomach related, and made me feel like I was going to throw up from sadness. In fact, I’d be so sad I could actually start heaving. It meant I almost always missed…

  • Insignificance

    It feels really silly. This morning I got to drive through the Warner Brothers lot for a meeting, and I squealed like a child when I saw the E.R. set — the ambulance bay and Doc Magoo’s. Then I bounced in the passenger seat when I realized we were next driving through Stars Hollow, the…