Tag: Drunk

  • Mother on the Orient Express: Part Seven (The Train)

    (I broke the train into two parts. The first part of the train (part six of the story) is here.) We take the long walk toward dinner. Now we’re a little less sure on our feet. Mom’s getting tired, and I’m a little tired, and it’s darker. We make it to the bar car, which…

  • Tales from the Accidental Asshole: The Wine Tasting

    Tales from the Accidental Asshole: The Wine Tasting

    I am not the best when it comes to names and faces. I will remember one or the other, but I cannot seem to put them together. And I’ve even tried the thing where you hear someone’s name and then you imagine them wrapped up in their name, like “Monica Berg” becomes a cheeseburger moaning…

  • My Only New Year’s Drunk Dial Was From My Soberest Friend.

    Normally, Dave Cole does not drink. In fact, until the last few hours of 2008, I believe he’d never touched a drop. The Power of Anna Beth worked again (see: everything anybody has ever done that wasn’t their idea and might not have been the best idea but made everyone else happy), so at her…

  • welcome to new orleans

    welcome to new orleans

    my initial impressions We got into New Orleans late last night.  The plane was late getting out of Houston because they had “cargo on board that had to remain in Houston.”  I shouted out to the plane, “Okay, who brought the drugs?” but no one answered.  I calculated that staying on the ground for an…