Tag: Dream

  • W is for Waiting and Writing… and Wedding… and Work… and Wow.

    So here’s what it’s like, these days, to be me. It’s what it’s like to live this life, this place where each day is as unpredictable as the next. This morning we planned our honeymoon around Sundance, because stee and Frank are finalists for the filmmaker’s lab. They won’t know until December 17th if they…

  • Dreamlike

    I just finished watching Waking Life, which in itself is a trippy-floaty experience, an animated fantasy that explores our dream life compared to our waking life, asking what happened before we got here, what’s going to happen to us when we’re gone, and how has our process of evolution changed as we’ve become more aware…

  • Do it!

    I think it’s important to tell you that I am at the center of some freaky kind of job karma. People are landing dream jobs right and left of me, from book deals to television shows to newspaper gigs. They’re going after jobs they didn’t think they could get, and getting them. I’ve been telling…

  • i need more sleep

    The only thing people hate to read more than a list of what someone did all day is a description of her dream last night, but suck it. Stee and I were sitting on the floor watching CNN and it said “WAR attacks!” We were watching people flee Atlanta, and there were planes bombing. Buildings…

  • Meeting John Cusack

    and we both learn a lesson I am angry, shocked and pissy that the office where I work has begun blocking websites they feel hurt productivity. It might be just a matter of days before I can’t access this page there anymore. I don’t want to talk about it. I only have another week here,…

  • No Sleep 'Til…

    my non-sleeping patterns I haven’t been sleeping so well lately. I stay up too late anyway, finishing up work, trying to get things in before their deadlines. But lately when I finally get to bed, I’ll spend at least thirty minutes lying there, thinking about other things.

  • Shh.

    i don’t know. I was just sitting here typing when I heard Eric’s voice. It’s on the television. He’s doing these cable commercials now for their cable modem service. It’s a bit jolting. It sounds like he’s in the other room asking me to buy something. The commercial makes me giggle, because he’s so damn…

  • randomly yours.

    miss one monday and jeff gets pissy (and eric requests some content) I’m filled with guilt, as last night Jeff told me that he was very disappointed that I hadn’t updated. He’s got that motherly guilt-trip thing going where he “knows you’re busy” but that he was “really looking forward to it” and you just…

  • Mousepad

    an expired link, really. It’s my parents’ 27th wedding anniversary today. That impresses me. I had a dream last night where I thought I had made the splash page a pop-up window instead of a splash page and no one could get into Squishy. This to me means it’s time to take a bit of…

  • swirly

    my tummy and my head Matt Sadler, of Natch fame, won last night’s Open Audition for Aspen. He’s going to Los Angeles next month to compete in another finalist round. How cool is that?