Tag: Angelina Jolie

  • scene from a bachelorette party

    [scripty] ALEX So, um, pamie. How are you holding up? …You know, with the whole Johnny Depp thing. PAMIE What? WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED? ALEX Oh. I thought you would have known. His kid is sick. PAMIE Really? Which one? ALEX I… well, I didn’t know he had more than one. PAMIE HE HAS TWO. ALEX…

  • well, it’s another entry about my boobs.

    Just got back from seeing Inside Man, or The Inside Man, or whatever it is. It doesn’t matter. I wanted to see it because Clive Owen is amazing, and if the entire movie was him doing that first monologue straight to the camera I would have been much more entertained. Consequently, about half an hour…

  • Love is Strange

    The best thing I overheard the other night: “But that’s literally what he said. The whole letter, right there. That’s literally what he said. I mean, not word-for-word, but pretty much.” It is the most overused word of the decade. “Literally.” Everybody’s literally doing figurative things. I am literally squirming in my seat over my…