Month: September 1999

  • “get up, rooster! kick his ass!”

    did i just say that? Last night, for the first time in my life, I enjoyed wrestling. This is a very new experience for me, as I’ve always had that nose-in-the-air disdain for the entire wrestling corporation.  But this was a bit different.  This was Blue High Machine.  Imagine this:  you’re at a local bar…

  • losing my lunch.

    why i order water I’m terrible about lunch dates.  You know how sometimes you have to meet people for lunch that you don’t know very well?   Usually it’s to discuss some upcoming project or something like that.   I’m bad at this.  I get too nervous.  I always end up coming too early.  I’ll show up…

  • i suck

    my lamest entry ever. The show went well. It did. I had fun. I have been very busy today and only have time to tell you this: For a real entry, go to my Mighty Big TV entry on “Get Real.” That took five hours of my life, so it feels like an entry. I’ll…

  • miss.

    I am nervous about my show tonight. Quite nervous, actually. I haven’t done the one person show in a while. To see what’s going on in the comedy community, check out the Monks’ page. I miss my boyfriend. I miss sleeping. I miss television. I miss doing nothing. I miss my boyfriend. I really miss…

  • grumble. is wasting our time It’s 83 degrees outside and people are actually complaining that it’s too cold.  Texans. I don’t even want to write this entry because I know as soon as I do my site will go down again and then no one will be able to read it all day long.  This…

  • such a nice girl.

    why is her scalp bleeding? So, are we all back now? Is the site up and running? This has been very annoying and I apologize. It seems the server that hosts Squishy just went down for a couple of days and I couldn’t FTP or get e-mail or even look at the site. It seems…

  • shh!

    comedy gold, baby So, all of Squishy was shut down yesterday.  So was my e-mail.  If you tried to reach me to tell me you couldn’t read my page, I didn’t get the message until this morning when everything was working well again.  Sorry. If it’s any consolation, my torture yesterday was listening to “Genie…

  • thirty questions

    My site was down all day.  I’m sorry.  Now this all seems outdated. Dear Best Buy, Tower, et. al: When you say that a CD is released at midnight on a certain date, please make sure that you know how to tell time.  When you tell me that a CD is released at midnight on…

  • claws

    thinking about our home We are still debating the “get a new kitty” thing at the house.  Taylor is very vocal lately, which he has never been before.  He’s constantly at our sides, which he really never did.  He lets you pet him, he plays, he runs around the house.  He cries and moans until…